

These 3 iPhone Features Are Finally on the Mac

Apple fans have been bombarded with a slew of new features this fall, from a flurry of Apple hardware and software upgrades to brand-new Apple Watches, iPhones, Apple Pencils and new editions of all of Apple's flagship software. And while we were all busy getting lost in a sea of NameDrops, Double Taps and Telephoto Lenses, Mac

October 25th, 2023|Categories: Apple, iPhone, News|

iPhone lifespan? Yes, your smartphone has an expiration date.

Kim Komando  |  Special to USA TODAYTrying to squeeze every last drop of life out of your smartphone? It’s one thing to deal with a battery that doesn’t last a day and crashing apps to avoid spending a big chunk of change.But using your phone past its end of life is risky business. So is

October 23rd, 2023|Categories: Apple, iPhone, News|

5 Of The Best Sleep Tracker Apps For iPhone Sleep tracking has become commonplace thanks to fitness trackers and smartwatches, and if you have an Apple Watch, there are several options to monitor your sleep. The Apple Watch can track the different stages of your sleep and measure your respiratory rate, heart rate, and changes in wrist temperature. This data can be viewed

October 23rd, 2023|Categories: Apple, iPhone, News|

11 new iPhone 15 features you can’t use on any other iPhone models

The iPhone 15 has been out for about a month now. Many consumers have already upgraded to one of the four new models, and they have likely discovered there are several new features you can’t get on any other iPhone models. BGR has picked 11 of our favorite exclusive features that you will only find

October 22nd, 2023|Categories: Apple, iPhone, News|

How To Unpair An Apple Watch Without The iPhone It’s Connected To

Hadrian/Shutterstock The Apple Watch is an extension of your iPhone, letting you access calls, messages, apps, and notifications from your wrist. Even a cellular Apple Watch needs to be set up and paired with an iPhone before it can be used. So, if you decide to sell or give away your Apple Watch, you'll first

October 22nd, 2023|Categories: Apple, iPhone, News|

How To Use Your iPhone To Gauge Your Anxiety And Depression Levels

Mindful Media/Getty Images Given the state of the world, it's normal to feel somewhat blue or stressed. According to a May 2023 Gallup poll, there's been a significant increase in both the number of adults in the U.S. who have been diagnosed with depression and the demographic of those who have sought out treatment for

October 20th, 2023|Categories: Apple, iPhone, News|

Apple CEO Tim Cook makes surprise visit to China, where iPhone 15 sales are off to a slow start

Apple CEO Tim Cook cheered on gamers at an event during a surprise visit to China, underscoring the market’s importance to the iPhone giant at a time when it faces mounting challenges.Gamers gathered at an Apple store in Chengdu in southwestern China to play “Honor of Kings,” a game developed by TiMi Studio, which is owned

October 19th, 2023|Categories: Apple, iPhone, News|

Here’s How Much It Costs Apple To Build An iPhone (Compared To What You’re Paying)

Stnazkul/Getty Images Smartphones are among the most indispensable of devices that many of us utilize on a daily basis. It can be difficult to imagine spending a day, or even a bathroom break, away from them. Apple's iPhone family is very prominent among the smartphone-owning population, with Statista reporting that Apple's phone took up 48.7%

October 17th, 2023|Categories: Apple, iPhone, News|
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