
3 Ways To Mirror Your iPhone Screen To A Mac

3 Ways To Mirror Your iPhone Screen To A Mac photosince/Shutterstock For many of us, black screens of various size are part of everyday life. From the iPhone in our pockets, the Mac in our offices, to the TVs in our homes, there's a screen for work, for play, and everything in between. However, there

2024-06-01T10:14:53+00:00June 1st, 2024|Categories: Apple, iPhone, News|

5 Reasons Why Your iPhone May Not Be Charging When Plugged In

charnsitr/Shutterstock There are few feelings as frustrating as picking up your iPhone after letting it sit to charge overnight, only to discover that its battery level has not changed at all — or may have even gone down. Now you're scrambling to get it powered up as quickly as possible while getting ready for work

2024-05-30T21:15:40+00:00May 30th, 2024|Categories: Apple, iPhone, News|

Use This App on Mac, iPhone, and iPad for Free AI Transcription

Transcribing isn't fun at all. Good thing it's something AI is actually good at. Aiko is an app for Mac, iPad, and iPhone that users Whisper—open-source technology created by OpenAI—to transcribe audio files. Aiko does not upload the file to the cloud to make the transcription; everything happens on your device. And it works fairly

2024-05-29T15:15:29+00:00May 29th, 2024|Categories: Apple, iPhone, News|

Here’s Why Your iPhone’s Deleted Photos Came Back

Credit: Funstock via Shutterstock The release of iOS 17.5 brought with it a somewhat troubling bug, as many users reported old, deleted photos resurfacing—some from more than ten years after they were deleted. While Apple has resolved this bug in iOS 17.5.1, many are still curious to know what caused the issue in the first

2024-05-26T15:14:41+00:00May 26th, 2024|Categories: Apple, iPhone, News|

The Latest iPhone Update Might Have Restored Your Old, Embarrassing Photos

Credit: Viktollio via Shutterstock iOS 17.5 is officially out, bringing the latest security updates to all applicable iPhones. Alongside fixing some major security flaws that Apple needed to address, the update also had an unintended effect: It's bringing back deleted photos. This iOS 17.5 bug has caused quite an uproar in the Apple community, with

2024-05-16T15:14:41+00:00May 16th, 2024|Categories: Apple, iPhone, News|
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