

How To Find Your Lost Apple TV Remote Using Your iPhone

Hadrian/Shutterstock No matter how much technology advances, we can't seem to develop a surefire way to keep our small electronics from magically misplacing themselves. People have been losing the remotes to their TVs for about as long as remotes have been around, letting them slide between the couch cushions, unconsciously bringing them to the kitchen

July 17th, 2023|Categories: Apple, iPhone, News|

When Does The Next iPhone Come Out? (Release Date And Early Expectations)

mokjc/Shutterstock When will the iPhone 15 lineup come out? What new features will it offer, and, more importantly, at what price? If you have one or more questions like these, you're among the millions of fans the company has worldwide. It's that time of the year when rumors and leaks about the next iPhone lineup

July 17th, 2023|Categories: Apple, iPhone, News|

How to remove the background from an iPhone photo in under 5 seconds

If you’ve ever wanted to remove the background from a photo on your iPhone to isolate the subject of the image, we have good news for you. That feature is built into the Photos app, and it works incredibly well. Safari also has the same feature for web images. Tech. Entertainment. Science. Your inbox. Sign

July 15th, 2023|Categories: Apple, iPhone, News|

You Can Finally Ping Your Apple Watch From Your iPhone

Photo: Lukas Gojda (Shutterstock)applThe next time you forget where you kept your Apple Watch and want to find it fast, you can actually use your iPhone to ping it. Until now, you could ping your Apple Watch using the Find My app, but that is more geared toward times when you’ve lost the watch or

July 14th, 2023|Categories: Apple, iPhone, News|

How To Install iOS 17 Public Beta On Your iPhone

sergey causelove/Shutterstock For any iPhone user, the prospect of being able to try out cool new features that come with every operating system update can be too hard to pass up. Last month, in an unprecedented move, Apple made the developer beta version of the recently announced iOS 17 available for anyone to try for

July 12th, 2023|Categories: Apple, iPhone, News|

The Mac sure is starting to look like the iPhone

The general trend of macOS releases over the past few years is that it has been moving closer and closer to the look and feel of iOS. The icons have become iOS icons, and their shape has become the iOS shape, and you can now use your iPhone as the Mac’s webcam, etc. etc. This

July 12th, 2023|Categories: Apple, iPhone, News|

The iPhone needs a smart Airplane Mode like the one Google is working on for Android

This year’s iPhone and Android software updates might seem boring because we’ve reached a point where Apple and Google can’t come up with massive redesigns or new features every year. These are mature, feature-packed platforms that offer almost identical experiences. But here’s where the nice-to-have features come into play, especially for those users who already

July 11th, 2023|Categories: Apple, iPhone, News|

5 iPhone Apps Every Golfer Should Have Installed

Valentinrussanov/Getty Images The golf world is brimming with new and innovative ways to improve your game. Golfers across the world are relying on technology and tracking applications to make subtle tweaks to their course management, swing path, putting alignment, and much more. No longer are these tools reserved for the professional level — today, golfers

July 9th, 2023|Categories: Apple, iPhone, News|
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